Pakpron Herb Therapeutic Matum tea for the treatment of lungs, colds and coughs, 200 g


0.22 kg

Matum tea is used for diseases of the respiratory tract, helps with dry cough. It is used for bronchitis treatment, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infection, acute respiratory infections. Lower body temperature strengthens the immune system.

130 ฿

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  • The infusion of Matum tea has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and can be successfully used by heavy smokers. Matum tea protects the lungs, so it is also called pulmonary tea.
  • Regular moderate consumption of the drink well and gently affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates stomach pain of any nature, cramps or cramps. If there are problems with motor skills, the infusion will easily cope with them, eliminating heartburn and colic along the way. With bloating, tea is also useful, everything will quietly return to normal. Poisoning (no matter what type) Matum quickly neutralize, cleaning the body of toxic substances. You can safely take it with you on the long road.
  • In the case of high blood pressure, Matum tea will come to the rescue. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. And also activates brain activity. So, it is very useful for those who are engaged in mental work or study.
  • When tired, the drink tones up, if irritability bothers you, it calms.
  • Tea is useful in any form. It can be drunk cold, warm, hot. No condition will reduce the healing properties.

Delicious tea is obtained if you take 2-3 slices and pour boiling water, insist as long as possible (at least 30 minutes).

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Pakpron Herb Therapeutic Matum tea for the treatment of lungs, colds and coughs, 200 g

Pakpron Herb Therapeutic Matum tea for the treatment of lungs, colds and coughs, 200 g

Matum tea is used for diseases of the respiratory tract, helps with dry cough. It is used for bronchitis treatment, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infection, acute respiratory infections. Lower body temperature strengthens the immune system.

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