What to do if hair fall out?

Posted By: Alena Shilova In: Artilcles On: Вторник, Февраль 2, 2016 Comment: 0 Hit: 12604
What to do if hair fall out? How to solve this problem.

The life of each hair has three phases: the emergence and formation of follicles, the formation of hair follicles and wilting. We daily fall around a hundred hairs, and this is a normal process. If combing hair for you to become a torment, if you have to collect a hairbrush and dress tufts of hair, then in the process of hair that something breached and requires immediate assistance.

The reasons may be many, but let's look at the most common:

1. Stress.

One of the most common causes of hair loss in our time is the stress arising from the physical and mental overload, chronic lack of sleep, nervous shock. Keep in mind that fatigue is always reflected on the state of the body, which reacts not only hair loss, but also the fragility of nails, dental pain and the deterioration of the skin condition.

Fight with stress in all possible ways. In order to maintain calcium in the organism, which is precisely responsible for the strength of our hair, nails, of bones and teeth can drink a drug oyster KAL KAB. It is required to ensure activity of proteins and enzymes, provides anti-stress effect. Saturate hair oil exhausted from the root of ginseng. Hair Oil nourishes, smooths and smoothes damaged, dry, longer in force, the hair.

2. Seborrhea.

One of the common causes of hair loss - a problem with the scalp, namely the occurrence of seborrhea. Arises seborrhea when malfunction of the of the sebaceous glands, resulting in there dandruff, oily scalp, peeling, itch. In the process of the pores clogged by disease, the follicle can not function normally, and the hair gradually thinning. The cause of these troubles can be various problems in the organism, but most often, it is simply the wrong hair care.

Do not let your hair besmear! Cutaneous fat accumulates, promotes hair loss. Wash your hair as often as required, just at the same time sparing use shampoo to wash your hair. Kok Liang Shampoo and conditioner in this series does not contain sulphates and parabens! Only vegetable ingredients included in the composition of of this magnificent shampoo.

3. Hormones.

Very often the increased hair loss in women is associated with a variety of hormonal changes (onset of sexual activity, pregnancy, menopause, endocrine disorders, diseases, etc). All of these processes in the organism are temporary, and hair loss is completely reversible.

Your hair only need to help to cope with the problem, namely the skin and saturate hair with nutrients. Wash your hair at least every in three days, a shampoo based on natural coconut oil. And every time after washing, apply therapeutic nutrient for hair mask. Already after the first application of such a mask, you will see that the hair is soft, obedient and healthy.

4. Chemistry.

The development of hair follicles and their health is adversely affected by the use of different medications, mainly antibiotics and hormonal agents. Environmental pollution, noxious emissions in atmosphere, increased radiation, can also provoke a significant problem with the hair.

To avoid this, try not to abuse medications. In order to stimulate the hair follicles, and from many health problems can help a natural herbal product Ginkgo Biloba. It's Thai plant - a tree healer! Treatment shampoo and conditioner Jinda, specifically designed for the treatment of baldness after taking medication and seasonal hair loss. Treatment Shampoo provides strengthening effect on hair, hair growth accelerates.

5. Heredity.

Since heredity can not fight. Hereditary hair loss - an irreversible disease associated with atrophy of the follicles. Unfortunately, at the moment not found a means to keep hair in hereditary baldness. All that remains is the use of hormonal preparations, hair transplantation, well, or wearing a wig.

Remember that in most cases, hair loss can be prevented, it is necessary only to treat hair properly. In our shop of goods from Asia, a lot hair care products on the basis of herbal ingredients that will help you to cope with any problems and always stay beautiful and healthy.


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