Coconut oil application for the body, hair, massage

Posted By: Alena Shilova In: Artilcles On: Среда, Апрель 15, 2015 Comment: 0 Hit: 12023
The most useful and popular, is coconut oil, suitable not only for body massage, but for skin care face and head.

It is known that the use of massage oils saves your skin from stretching, damage and irritation during a massage. But the most important thing is that the natural oils from Thailand that are based on fruit and vegetable components, nourishes the skin with valuable substances that help to keep it young and supple.
Imagine how pleasant can be massaged with fragrant oil massage! Thai natural oils to nourish the body effectively, leaving the skin soft, smooth and silky.
Select from our store goods from Asia for yourself oil which suits you not only need, but also on the budget. The most useful and popular, is coconut oil, suitable not only for body massage, but for skin care face and head.
Since coconut oil has a huge variety of medicinal qualities, it has long been used in Ayurveda. Ever since the Egyptian Cleopatra, take a bath with the addition of coconut oil, this extremely useful plant product, enjoyed great respect and popularity among women in Asia and India, as the best natural remedy that helps the body for a long time to preserve youth and beauty of the face and hair. Due to the fact that coconut oil is high in Thailand saturated fatty acids, which are similar to the lipids of the skin, it is especially useful for people with dry skin. Can be a couple of times a week to do a mask for the face and body with the use of coconut oil. After taking a shower, apply lotion with hyaluronic acid, which helps the oil to penetrate deep into the cells, and already the top need to apply coconut oil. The use of such a mask perfectly promotes healing of damaged skin, softening, moisturizing. In a short time you can get rid of cracked heels and soften hardened other parts of the body. Correct to apply coconut oil after a shower, on damp skin, as it does not evaporate moisture, and your skin will always be hydrated and radiant.

Massage with coconut oil not only provides a calming, and anti-inflammatory effect. Accelerates the healing of wounds and skin lesions. Significantly improves the efficiency, both prevention and treatment of various skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.


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